Edema of the Leg: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

edema of the legs
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Leg edema is a swelling caused by an accumulation of fluid in the tissues or cavities of the legs. The condition can range from mild to severe and can come on suddenly or develop over time. Leg edema is most commonly seen in older adults or pregnant women, but anyone can experience leg edema. Any undue increase in pressure, especially around the lower limbs, can lead to swelling due to excess fluid buildup.

What Causes Leg Edema?

Leg edema occurs when fluid accumulates in leg tissues and causes swelling. There are many factors that may cause edema of the legs:


Being overweight can cause edema of the legs due to the extra pressure it puts on the veins and lymph vessels, leading to fluid buildup in the legs.

Standing or Sitting Too Long

Standing or sitting for long periods of time can cause fluid to pool in the legs, resulting in swelling.

Tight Clothing

Wearing tight clothing can cause edema of the legs by restricting the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid in the legs.


Taking certain medications can cause leg edema as they inhibit the body’s ability to absorb fluid properly or lead to the retention of fluid in the tissues. Drugs like hormone replacement therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and steroids can all cause fluid buildup in the legs.


Age can also be a factor in leg edema, as the veins lose elasticity with age and blood may pool in the legs instead of returning to the heart.


women who are pregnant often develop edema due to fluid retention caused by increased levels of hormones found during pregnancy.

Serious Medical Conditions

More serious conditions such as heart failure, kidney disease, vein diseases, congestive heart failure, and liver cirrhosis can also lead to leg edema as they impair the body’s ability to pump proper amounts of fluid through its tissues.


Though rare, tumors can also cause swelling in the legs.

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Symptoms of Leg Edema

To help your doctor pinpoint the cause of the swelling, it is important to make a note of associated symptoms before coming into the office. These can include pain or difficulty moving their legs due to swelling, tenderness, or warmth in the affected area, as well as fatigue and decreased urine output; swelling in the ankles, swelling and pain in the feet, and lower legs that can range from mild to severe; other symptoms can include tightness or heaviness in the affected areas as well as discoloration of the skin where the edema is present. You need to let your doctor know if you are experiencing any changes in color or sensation in the affected limb, as leg edema can be a sign of an underlying health condition. It is important to monitor your symptoms and seek medical attention if they worsen or become unbearable.

Diagnosing Leg Edema 

To diagnose leg edema, your doctor will first take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination. They will ask you questions about any other symptoms or conditions, as well as your lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise, use of alcohol and drugs, and occupation. The exam includes assessing any swelling, discoloration of the skin, or tightness in the affected area. The doctor then may also order blood tests or imaging tests such as venous ultrasounds or CT scans, lymphoscintigraphy, and possibly a bone scan. You may need a referral to a specialist like a radiologist or a cardiologist depending on your medical history, family history, and test results. Knowing what information to discuss with your doctor will help you get a timely and accurate diagnosis so that you can begin treatment for your leg edema.


While some causes of edema are mild and treatable with lifestyle changes, certain medical conditions require specialized treatment by a doctor. Your doctor may recommend medications such as diuretics or ACE inhibitors to help reduce fluid accumulation if the previous treatments do not work. If a bacterial or fungal infection is causing the swelling, antibiotics or antifungal medication may be prescribed. It is always a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider if you are experiencing swelling in your legs to determine the underlying causes.

Alternative Treatment

It is important to listen to your body and its particular needs. Home remedies are a way to improve comfort without resorting to medications. The goal of any treatment plan should be to provide relief and prevent further complications. More extreme edema may require physical therapy, certain procedures to help remove excess fluid, or medications to reduce swelling and inflammation.

  • Elevation of the legs for 15 minutes several times per day is another recommended practice for getting fluid back into circulation so it doesn’t accumulate in the lower extremities.
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Exercising regularly
  • Avoiding sitting or standing for extended periods of time
  • Quit smoking and avoid nicotine patches
  • Eating a balanced diet with limited processed foods – avoid salty foods and alcohol as they can cause dehydration and increase swelling.
  • Compression stockings are designed with graduated pressures that start from the ankle and gently squeeze upwards to help reduce fluid buildup in the tissue.
  • Placing a pillow under the feet when lying down can slightly lift them and help reduce overall swelling in the legs.

In Conclusion

Leg edema is a common condition that can affect people of all ages. It should be taken seriously and evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. Treatment options may range from lifestyle changes, medications, or alternative treatments such as compression stockings or elevation of the legs. Taking care of your body with proper diet and exercise will help reduce the chances of developing leg edema in the future. Hopefully, this article has provided you with useful information about edema in the legs so you can take the necessary steps for prevention and management if you are ever affected by it.

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